Keith Keller Kitchen installation - Dry FitKitchen removal *YesNoUnits (Pre-built)Enter a number from 0 to 100Units (Flat pack)Enter a number from 0 to 100Unit alteration to accommodate pipeworkEnter a number from 0 to 100End/Filler PanelsEnter a number from 0 to 100Laminate WorktopEnter a number from 0 to 100Laminate Worktop JointsEnter a number from 0 to 100Laminate SplashbackEnter a number from 0 to 100Laminate Splashback in window openingEnter a number from 0 to 100Laminate UpstandsEnter a number from 0 to 100Worktop edgingEnter a number from 0 to 100Composite WorktopsEnter a number from 0 to 100Composite Worktop JointsEnter a number from 0 to 100SplashbackEnter a number from 0 to 100Drainer GroovesEnter a number from 0 to 100SinkEnter a number from 0 to 100TapEnter a number from 0 to 100Hot TapEnter a number from 0 to 100HobEnter a number from 0 to 100OvenEnter a number from 0 to 100MicrowaveEnter a number from 0 to 100ExtractorEnter a number from 0 to 100Integrated FreedgeEnter a number from 0 to 100Int. FreezerEnter a number from 0 to 100Int washing MashineEnter a number from 0 to 100Worktop reconnectionEnter a number from 0 to 100Freestanding cookerEnter a number from 0 to 100Freestanding washing machineEnter a number from 0 to 100Freestanding freedge freezerEnter a number from 0 to 100Freestanding dishwasherEnter a number from 0 to 100Integrated dishwasher installationEnter a number from 0 to 100Freestanding tumle dryerEnter a number from 0 to 100Total kitchen installation - Dry FitElectrical worksElectrical works required *YesNoSockets, power points ( moved/added )Enter a number from 0 to 100Power points for appliances (added/reinstalled)Enter a number from 0 to 100Light switch movedEnter a number from 0 to 100DownlightsEnter a number from 0 to 100New Circuits ( Oven )Enter a number from 0 to 100Faceplate Change on existing accessories ( white plastic)Enter a number from 0 to 100Cabinet lights ( client supplied )Enter a number from 0 to 100Moving the lightsEnter a number from 0 to 100Light replacement ( client supplied fittings)Enter a number from 0 to 100Loose socket fixingEnter a number from 0 to 100Consumer unit changeEnter a number from 0 to 100Electrical certificationEnter a number from 0 to 100Electrical installation condition reportEnter a number from 0 to 100Total electrical worksGas worksGas works required *YesNoGas capp offEnter a number from 0 to 100Gas capp off and certificationEnter a number from 0 to 100Gas hob connection and certificationEnter a number from 0 to 100Total gas worksPlumbing WorksPlumbing works required *YesNoReplumbing underneath the sinkEnter a number from 0 to 100Appliance wet connectionEnter a number from 0 to 100Moving water stop cockEnter a number from 0 to 100Radiator changeEnter a number from 0 to 100Radiator move ( radiator and valves supplied by client)Enter a number from 0 to 100Moving of water supply and drainEnter a number from 0 to 100Installation of water supply and drain for applianceEnter a number from 0 to 100Total Plumbing WorksPlasteringPlastering works required *YesNoSkimming after tiles removal in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000Plasterorboard installtion in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000Skimming in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000Total PlasteringJoineryJoinery works required *YesNoSkirting board Installation per mtrEnter a number from 0 to 10000Door replacement ( bifold )Enter a number from 0 to 100Total joineryTilingTiling *YesNoTiled splashback removal in m2Enter a number from 0 to 1000Boarding area in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000Tiling splashback area in m2 ( straight pattern, tiles grout and trims supplied by client)Enter a number from 0 to 1000Tiling of window opening and cillEnter a number from 0 to 1000Total tilingPaintingPainting required *YesNoWall area in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000Ceiling area in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000DoorEnter a number from 0 to 100Door FrameEnter a number from 0 to 100Window frameEnter a number from 0 to 100Skirting boards in mtrsEnter a number from 0 to 10000Total paintingFlooringFlooring Installation Works reqired *YesNoOld Flooring removal in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000Laminate flooring in m2Enter a number from 0 to 10000LVT flooring in m2 ( straight pattern)Enter a number from 0 to 10000LVT flooring in m2 ( herringbone pattern, supplied by client)Enter a number from 0 to 10000Self levelling compoundEnter a number from 0 to 1000Treshold barEnter a number from 0 to 1000Beading in mtrsEnter a number from 0 to 10000Total flooringOther worksOther works required *YesNoCoreholeEnter a number from 0 to 100Redo the boxing for radiator pipesEnter a number from 0 to 100Ducting installationEnter a number from 0 to 100Supp works waste removalEnter a number from 0 to 100Removal and blocking fireplaceEnter a number from 0 to 100Plasterboard wall reinforcingEnter a number from 0 to 100New wall installationEnter a number from 0 to 100Wall RemovalEnter a number from 0 to 100Total other worksTotal PriceTotal PriceComplete the form below and you will receive an instant estimate for your project to the provided email.Name *Enter your nameAdres e-mail *Enter your email addressPhone number *Enter your phone numberDo you have additional questions?Request a quote